ecosystem approaches
Strong roots, strong women: empowering women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam
‘Strong Roots, Strong Women’ uses Eco-DRR to empower women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam.
Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions
This guidebook provides background knowledge and a roadmap for designing and implementing effective monitoring and evaluation of ecosystem-based adaptation interventions.
Tools for Ecosystem-based Adaption: Online navigator for planning and decision-making
The EbA Tools Navigator, developed by UNEP-WCMC, IIED, IUCN and GIZ, is an interactive online catalogue of ecosystem-based adaptation tools for planning and decision-making.
SOLUTIONS IN FOCUS: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation from Mountains to Oceans
This publication by GIZ illustrates a selection of applied EbA measures in a variety of landscapes and ecosystems - from mountain to ocean, that can be found online at the PANORAMA platform.
An Annotated Bibliography on Ecosystem Approaches in Africa (2015 – 2018)
This work summarizes 700 articles, papers, books and reports on topics ranging from general ecosystem theory, implementation and its application from 2015 to 2018.
Engagement on Biodiversity Conservation & Climate Change Adaptation in Papua New Guinea: a facilitators guide
The handbook outlines a range of activities that can be used to promote community dialogue & participatory decision-making for biodiversity conservation & climate change adaptation.
Urban Green Infrastructure: An Introduction
This article introduces urban green infrastructure and how it can and has been applied in urban contexts.
Research translation, policy advice and advocacy for nature-based solutions to climate change
The Nature-based Solutions Initiative is a programme of interdisciplinary research, policy advice and advocacy aimed at increasing nature-based approaches to climate change impacts.
Ecosystem based Adaptation: An integrated response to climate change in the Indian Himalayan Region
This brief emphasizes the need to adopt an EbA approach in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) to enhance the climate resilience of communities dependent on natural resources.
Sourcebook: Valuing the Benefits, Costs and Impacts of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures
This sourcebook assists in building awareness, knowledge and capacity about why, how and in which contexts EbA valuation can be used to inform, guide and influence adaptation decision-making.