Flood risk management
Dikes won’t do: why Europe is failing to reduce flood risks
The impacts of Storm Boris show why Europe must rethink its approach to reduce the threats of the floods in the face of a changing climate. Apart from taking the extreme approach of relocating entire cities, as is the case with Jakarta, what can be done?
Factsheet for young people: Water Resources Management, Floods and Disaster Risk Management
In this brief created by the Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), learn why disaster risk reduction (DRR) and integrated water resource management (IWRM) are essential steps on the path to climate adaptation. This factsheet is part of a series presenting data from the GCA's flagship studies State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2021 and 2022.
An essential guide to flood safety and resilience: Advice for UK homeowners
This guide, developed in partnership with the insurance sector, aims to raise flood risk awareness in the UK, and support smarter decisions on property purchases.
Strong roots, strong women: empowering women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam
‘Strong Roots, Strong Women’ uses Eco-DRR to empower women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam.
Climate Resilient Community-Managed Flood Mitigation Project in La Trinidad, Benguet
Community members in the famous strawberry fields of La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines have decided to take action in addressing the worsening flooding in the community.
Community-based Action against Flood Risks in Dakar
This case study described how community-based action has been used to address incerasing flood risk in Dakar.
INSIDE STORY: Climate change and flood risk – Challenges for Jamaican towns and communities
This case study describes the potential medium- and long-term impacts of climate variability and change on flood risk for selected study areas in Jamaica.
Integrating urban agriculture and forestry into climate change action plans: Lessons from Sri Lanka
This CDKN case study, Integrating urban agriculture and forestry into climate change action plans – Lessons from Sri Lanka by...
Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Environment and Flood Risk Management in Central Viet Nam
This project assessed and implemented new methods and reviewed existing methods of categorising land use in the Mekong areas of Viet Nam and the links between flooding and land-use.