LC3 – A Sustainable Alternative for the Cement Industry
Learn about Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3), a new low-carbon blended cement that allows cement manufacturers to reduce the CO2 emissions from production.
A Practical Guide to Climate-resilient Buildings and Communities
This guide demonstrates how buildings and community spaces can be built to increase resilience to climate change, especially in developing countries where structures are largely self-built.
Canada’s Adaptation Platform: Projects and Results
This report summarises case studies across 11 sectors of industry and adaptation themes from Canada's Adaptation Platform.
Climate Resilient Infrastructure Services: Lessons Learned
The CRIS program focused in developing country cities to provide sustainable infrastructure services that support smart, lasting development.
Cool Roofing and Passive Ventilation in Surat, India
Project logo Project overview Surat in the last few years has experienced increases in temperature, especially during summer months. Expansion...