Youth Engagement with the Global Goal on Adaptation
Explore what young people think about the Global Goal on Adaptation in this report by the Global Center on Adaptation. It provides an insight into a series of worldwide youth consultations on adaptation, and discusses the role of the youth in the international climate adaptation agenda.
Gender Equality and Human Rights in Climate Action and Renewable Energy – UN CC:eLearn course
This self-paced e-course provides an overview of the interlinkages between gender, human rights, climate change, and renewable energy. It provides participants with the specific knowledge and tools to integrate and implement gender equality in renewable energy access and entrepreneurship, as well as related gender-responsive and human rights-based approaches in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
The Roles of the Private Sector in Climate Change Adaptation – an Introduction
This introduction shows how the private sector can advance adaptation. Actors can adapt to climate change, finance climate adaptation of others and support others through products and services.
BOMA Project: Fighting Poverty in Africa and it’s Working
Donkey's being used to fetch supplies for new village kiosk BOMA uses innovative microfinance and job-skills training programs to help...