differential vulnerability
Gender and Water Security in Burkina Faso: Lessons for adaptation
This policy brief looks at water security risks in Burkina Faso through a gender lens, providing insights on how gendered norms and practices produce differentiated risks.
Why gender matters in climate adaptation
Climate change does not affect all people equally. For adaptation to succeed, the social drivers of vulnerability have to be tackled head on.
Should resilience-building projects (always) be socially acceptable?
This paper asks "What makes humanitarian and development projects socially acceptable?" It combines various sources to gain insight into people’s lived experiences of (trying) to build resilience.
The impacts of flooding on well-being and the role of ecosystem-based adaptation
We show that floods can have a substantial impact on the well-being of flood affected individuals and especially on women.
Heat Stress – Vulnerability, health impacts, and coping strategies in rural communities in the semi-arid region of Maharashtra, India
This working paper from ASSAR examines vulnerability of rural communities to heat stress in the semi-arid villages in Maharashtra state in India.
Gender Infographics: Showing how gender influences responses to risk
How people experience and respond to risk varies, depending on factors like age, ethnicity, gender and class. These stunning infographics offer an easy-to-understand overview.
Experiential Learning: Vulnerability Walk
The Vulnerability Walk is a serious game that helps explore the different vulnerabilities that exist within a community and reflects on how adaptation efforts can effectively address these.
Understanding social equity and sustainability interactions in the SDGs: Gender differences in food security
This brief examines interactions between the SDGs on food security and gender equality, aiming to identify potential conflicts as well as opportunities to advance both goals simultaneously.
Adaptation of Women to Climate Variability in the Southern Slopes of the Rumpi Hills of Cameroon
In this paper, we examine the vulnerability and adaptability of women along the southern slopes of the Rumpi Hills forest, Ndian Division of Cameroon.
Gender and Social Equality
This theme aims to deepen engagement on issues of gender and social equality in the context of environment and development, foster collaborations and strengthen capacity.