Supporting rural community adaptation to climate change in mountainous regions of Djibouti
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and The Ministry of Habitat, Urbanism and Environment (MHUE),Djibouti.
Building Resilience in the Most Vulnerable Coastal Zones in Djibouti
This project piloted approaches for rehabilitating degraded watersheds and wadi shores to reduce seawater intrusion and floods in Djibouti.
Climate variability and impact in ASSAR’s East African region
This new paper from ASSAR's east Africa team looks at impact climate-related risks, impacts and vulnerability across the semi-arid regions of East Africa.
Adaptation Fund Projects in Action
VIDEO: An overview of Adaptation Fund projects under implementation all over the world.
Developing agro-pastoral shade gardens as an adaptation strategy for poor rural communities in Djibouti
The objective of the project is to diversify and promote climate resilient agro-pastoral practices in rural Djibouti.