Eastern Europe
The Climate Crisis: A Humanitarian and a Jewish issue
This report makes the case for why faith-based, humanitarian charities should be adjusting their work to ensure they are building long-term climate resilience, rather than only focusing on short-term, emergency responses.
To do so, it explains the basics of climate science for a non-expert audience, summarises the expected impacts of the climate crisis and the humanitarian imperative to address them, and explains how key Jewish values are being threatened by the climate crisis. It then sets out how World Jewish Relief is structuring its own work on resilience building, mitigation, adaptation and preparedness, to set an example for how their own organisation could begin to enter such a huge sphere of work.
Women leading the way to climate-resilience in Moldova
In the small town of Sîngerei, women have been trained to start sustainable businesses. The aim is to empower women and encourage equal participation in resilience-building activities.
Climate Forum East: Case Study
This article summarises the successes and lessons learned from the Climate Forum East project, which ran Jan 2013 to Dec 2014 in the six countries of the Eastern Partnership of the EU
This report was written to form part of an Environment and Climate Change Policy Brief for Macedonia written by Sida's...
Deltas are one of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change: floods, droughts, storms and rising sea levels causing coastal flooding and saline intrusion into groundwater.
Significant investment in Delta adaptation efforts as well as the integration of a large-scale coordinated approach is crucial for effective adaptation and management of deltas.
Sources of information for national climate change vulnerability assessments
This page provides an overview of available data sources for use in vulnerability and adaptation assessments. Most of these links...
Belarus Climate Screening
This brief screening was prepared as part of an Environment and Climate Change Policy Brief for SIDA which was produced...