finance mechanisms
Leveraging LoCAL experience in support of climate change negotiations – UN CC:e-Learn course
The course aims to provide a solid understanding of the UNFCCC negotiation framework, including its governing and subsidiary bodies, negotiating groups, financial mechanisms, and a focus on climate change adaptation.
“Must-haves” for adaptation finance in the New Collective Quantified Goal
This brief outlines the “must-haves” for the NCQG: what the goal must include to ensure funding meets the objectives of sufficient, effective and equitable climate adaptation.
Financing for Andean Forests: experiences and challenges
The article describes the experience of Andean Forest Program with several finance mechanisms and identifies remaining challenges for the future.
Kenya’s County Climate Change Funds
Developing countries require significant financing to support the development and implementation of their NAP processes. This financing is expected to come from a mix of sources.