Forward decision making
Preparing for Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP) in India
As part of the ASSAR project stakeholders from Bangalore’s government, civil society, and private and academic sectors met at the IIHS Bangalore City Campus to think about Bangalore's water future.
How can foresight help to reduce vulnerability to climate-related hazards?
Foresight can be a valuable tool in both climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, as well a useful method to integrate the two approaches.
Planning for an uncertain future: promoting adaptation to climate change through Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making
This report describes ‘flexible and forward-looking decision making’ (FFDM), a decision making approach that is able to adapt to the unexpected.
New approaches to promoting Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making: Insights from complexity science, climate change adaptation and ‘serious gaming’
Drawing on insights from complexity science, this paper describes what processes are needed to promote Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making (FFDM).