Participatory Scenario Planning
Shaping the water–energy–food nexus for resilient mountain livelihoods
This brief presents a participatory process for assessing the status of water–energy–food systems in mountains, identifying governance and technical options and exploring alternative scenarios.
Foresight for policy & decision-makers
This report explores the potential role of foresight in integrating DRR and CCA through an analysis of 20 of the most common foresight methods.
Supporting Resilient Agriculture in Semi-Arid Ghana
This information brief reflects on ASSAR's work to support dry season farming in the vulnerable communities of the semi-arid Lawra and Nandom Districts of Ghana.
Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of water for productive use in Omusati, Namibia
ASSAR's Southern African team describes the outcomes of their first transformative scenario planning (TSP) workshop that was held in Omusati, Namibia in February 2017.
Preparing for Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP) in India
As part of the ASSAR project stakeholders from Bangalore’s government, civil society, and private and academic sectors met at the IIHS Bangalore City Campus to think about Bangalore's water future.
Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of agriculture and food security in Ghana
In this brief we describe the approach undertaken during ASSAR's Transformative Scenario Planning workshops in Wa, Ghana, and provide an overview of the results and future steps.
Courting complexity in climate services: Lessons from Participatory Scenario Planning
The Participatory Scenario Planning approach for seasonal decision-making at the local level has been adopted in 6 African countries and in SE Asia. This article discusses what makes it successful.
Participatory scenario planning in Kenya
This case study introduces and reflects on the use of Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) in Garissa, Kenya.