Land use
Conflict, Migration and Land Regeneration; A Tale of Kanyerus
Can degraded land naturally regenerate after a conflict-induced human migration? Learn about the experience from Kanyerus Village in West Pokot, Kenya.
Leadership for Responsive Climate Actions in Agriculture, Forestry and Food systems: Insights from the ASEAN Climate Leadership Programme
Learn about the role of leadership in promoting transformational change towards a low-carbon, resilient, and food secure economy and society, both globally and regionally.
Review of ASEAN Guidance Documents for Climate-Smart Land Use
GIZ's Climate-Smart Land Use project facilitated a review of ASEAN guidelines on climate-smart agriculture/climate-smart land use. This report highlights the key findings of the review.
SENSES Toolkit for Climate Change Adaptation
The SENSES Toolkit, developed in the EC SENSES project, offers a range of modules for finance, policy and regional decision makers to learn about and explore climate change scenarios.
Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Sudanese refugee-hosting area in eastern Chad
The initiative aims to promote the peaceful cohabitation between local and displaced communities based on joint rehabilitation of overexploited ecosystems.
Shaping the water–energy–food nexus for resilient mountain livelihoods
This brief presents a participatory process for assessing the status of water–energy–food systems in mountains, identifying governance and technical options and exploring alternative scenarios.
Migration and Sustainable Mountain Development – Turning Challenges into Opportunities
This publication seeks to provide insights into the complex migration processes and the resulting opportunities and challenges for mountain communities and regions.
Large Scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Gambia
UN Environment and the government of Gambia have launched the country’s largest adaptation project, which aims to develop a sustainable natural resource-based economy.
Spotlight on Transformative Scenario Planning
This Spotlight highlights the successes and challenges of a series of Transformative Scenario Planning workshops held by ASSAR in five countries.
Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Effective Management in Cities
Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Effective Management in Cities