Geographic information systems
Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) for Urban Environmental Assessments
This tool enables you to use maps as discussion tools for allowing different groups to share their knowledge of environmental issues and development options, helping to enhance understanding and improve decision making and outcomes.
Using GIS for disease mapping in Ambon City
Adaptation plans for the health sector required public access to data about malaria and dengue risk but staff lacked mapping skills. Training in GIS mapping proved successful in Ambon City
Sri Lanka: Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analysing Resilience
This case study focuses on livelihood mapping in rural areas in Sri Lanka to better understand spatial patterns of livelihood and vulnerability.
INSIDE STORY: Climate change and flood risk – Challenges for Jamaican towns and communities
This case study describes the potential medium- and long-term impacts of climate variability and change on flood risk for selected study areas in Jamaica.
GIS-based mapping of flood vulnerability and risk in the Bénin Niger River valley
In recent decades, flood disaster is threatening human security in West Africa, particularly in the Niger River basin.The study addresses flood vulnerability and risk in the Bénin Niger River Valley
Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications
Participatory 3D modelling (P3DM) is a participatory mapping method integrating indigenous spatial knowledge with elevation data to produce stand-alone, scaled, and geo-referenced 3D models.
Video – Pemimpin Muda Delta Api Bali terhadap kondisi Wilayah Delta Api
Participatory mapping Delta Api Bali is a collaborative participatory mapping project for climate change adaptation in Bali. Participatory mapping by...
Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Environment and Flood Risk Management in Central Viet Nam
This project assessed and implemented new methods and reviewed existing methods of categorising land use in the Mekong areas of Viet Nam and the links between flooding and land-use.
Resource Mapping Tool
Describing the resource mapping method where participants construct a map illustrating the main natural and physical resources of the site.
Participatory 3D modeling for community-based climate change adaptation in BoeBoe community, Choiseul, Solomon Islands.
In the Solomon Islands, the BoeBoe community is utilizing a participatory 3D modeling tool to help spur discussions on possible climate change issues.