identifying users
Module: Knowledge Systems Analysis for Climate Knowledge Brokers
This module offers an introduction to a methodology developed by CKB to allow for more focused knowledge brokering interventions in knowledge systems connected to climate-sensitive value chains.
Climate services for agriculture in Rwanda: What farmers know about climate information services in Rwanda
This Info Note shares insights into the status and needs for climate information services for agriculture in Rwanda.
Agent-based modelling: A tool for addressing the complexity of environment and development policy issues
This working paper introduces agent-based modelling as a potential tool for examining complex modern policy problems, and offers examples from recent applications.
Dialogue for decision-making: unpacking the ‘City Learning Lab’ approach
The FRACTAL ‘City Learning Lab’ approach is designed to facilitate problem-solving at the intersection of climate change and urbanization trends across cities in Southern Africa.
Planning and Implementing Rural Adaptation Initiatives in the Lower Mekong: Integrating Climate Science and Local Knowledge
This comprehensive report demonstrates an integrative process for combining climate science and community knowledge to support climate change adaptation planning in the Lower Mekong Basin.
Mainstreaming climate information into sector development plans: the case of Rwanda’s tea and coffee sectors
This report demonstrates the use of climate information in assessing adaptation needs and adaptation interventions. It also outlines changes in thinking as adaptation moves from theory to practice.
Social Network Analysis
This article, which is part of a series of MEDIATION outputs, provides a review of Social Network Analysis and associated tools for supporting adaptation decision-making.
Whole Decision Network Analysis for Coastal Ecosystems (WD-NACE)
This project looks at the relationship between governance, power and knowledge structures and how these influence behaviour, actions and decision taking for sustainable social-ecological ecosystems.
Stakeholder Analysis
This background article provides an introduction to stakeholder analysis.