weADAPT at 15: How Research, Policy and Practice Community Members Use the Platform
How has weADAPT's community used the platform during the last 15 years? What impacts have been made? Learn about all of this and more in this article about weADAPT impacts.
Session 5: Act to Adapt
A giant board game that gets youth to prioritise resources in their community which are vulnerable to extreme weather. Youth negotiate to take individual or collective actions to adapt resources.
Session 3: Map the Hazard
Critical thinking challenge to map out extreme weather and its impacts on different societal groups. Voting determines the most frequent and impactful hazards in the local community.
Case Site: Bobonong, Botswana Information Brief
Characterised by high rainfall variability, frequent droughts, low soil moisture and extreme events such as flash floods, these areas experience high levels of community vulnerability.
Shifting perspectives on coastal impacts and adaptation
Coastal regions under threat from climate change and sea-level rise need to tackle the more immediate threats of human-led and...
Supporting NAP development with the PROVIA Guidance: A user companion
This brochure explains how the PROVIA Guidance on Assessing Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change can be used to...
Mali – An assessment of vulnerability, climate risks, impacts and trends
The following analyses highlights an approach to assessing vulnerability and climate hazards which supported the ACCCA project: Climate Change Adaptation...