inclusive climate finance
Enabling and financing locally-led adaptation (LLA)
The paper outlines an approach to LLA planning and financing that involves local communities, governments, and the private sector.
Is the New IPCC Report a Game Changer for Adaptation? SEI’s Response to AR6 WGII
Read SEI's response to the IPCC AR6 WGII report exploring what's new, what's missing and whether it is a game changer for adaptation.
Financing Inclusive Low-Carbon Resilient Development: The Role of the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre in Nepal
This report analyses the new financial delivery structures in Nepal that have been set up to channel low-carbon climate-resilient development finance to the poor, focusing on alternative energy.
Financing Inclusive Low-Carbon Development: The Role of Central Bank of Bangladesh and Infrastructure Development Company Ltd
How can we deliver climate finance to those who need it most? We examine the choices countries make in financing low-carbon resilient development, focusing on experiences in Bangladesh.