Natural environment
Is the New IPCC Report a Game Changer for Adaptation? SEI’s Response to AR6 WGII
Read SEI's response to the IPCC AR6 WGII report exploring what's new, what's missing and whether it is a game changer for adaptation.
The Importance of Floodplain Restoration for Mangroves
Learn about floodplain restoration for mangroves with this short and easy-to-understand video
Human Adaptation to Invasive Species: A Conceptual Framework Based on a Case Study Metasynthesis
A framework conceptualising autochthonous human adaptation to invasive species was developed based on the Human Adaptation to Biodiversity Change framework and a case study metasynthesis.
Economics of land degradation: the significance of India’s new environment targets
India has just declared that it will restore 21 million hectares of degraded land. However, this can only be done by community-level engagement and providing based inputs for replication.
Do conservancies enhance the adaptive capacity of communities? Perspectives from ASSAR’s work in Kenya
Consevancies allow communities to benefit from and mange wildlife resource, however how they are formed and by who affects their livelihoods and resilience of these communities.