indirect impacts
Water and Climate Diplomacy – Integrative Approaches for Adaptive Action in Transboundary River Basins
Climate change will impact water flows, including in unstable regions. adelphi sheds light on how the international community can best combine climate and water diplomacy to tackle the challenges.
Introducing the Transnational Climate Impacts Index: Indicators of country-level exposure – methodology report
This paper introduces a new framework for examining climate change impacts and adaptation needs from an international perspective.
The Indirect Effects of Adaptation: Pathways for Vulnerability Redistribution in the Colombian Coffee Sector
This paper examines the possibility that measures taken to bolster livelihoods and adapt to climate change in one place could increase vulnerability elsewhere.
Adaptation Without Borders – Indirect Impacts of Climate Change
Climate change – and adaptation to it – will occur in a globalized, hyper-connected world.
The case of Senegal – Adaptation without Borders
The Stockholm Environment Institute’s research project Adaptation without Borders is placing a spotlight on the country of Senegal in West...
Conceptual framework for assessing indirect impacts of climate change
We here introduce a conceptual framework that can be used to identify these indirect impacts of climate change.
National Adaptation Plans and the indirect impacts of climate change
This brief supports countries to take stock of the “indirect impacts” of climate change and to address them in their National Adaptation Plan.
Djeneba’s story
Families in Senegal typically spend around 30% oftheir monthly income on food, so even small changes in the price of rice impact the monthly food intake of families in Senegal.