just transition
Justice and equity in climate change adaptation: overview of an emerging agenda
This paper explores current trends in understanding, prioritizing, and implementing just resilience in research and policy, emphasizing justice and equity in climate adaptation and resilience.
Just transition: can 2025 bring renewed global focus?
This blog explores the outcomes of COP29's stalled negotiations on the Just Transition Work Programme, emphasizing the need for renewed focus in 2025 to manage transition risks for vulnerable groups and align just transition principles with global climate and development goals.
Webinar: How to foster “just adaptation”
This webinar, co-organised by weADAPT and SEI on 27 September 2023, discusses insights from experts from around the world about how to foster “just adaptation” at a time of escalating climate risks.
Reflections on the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: adaptation, loss and damage
Join three SEI researchers, whohaveassumedvariousroles in past IPCC reports,as theyreflect on the IPCCAR6SynthesisReport’scriticalmessages onadaptation and loss and damage.
Policy discussion brief: the role of businesses in climate adaptation
Discover key considerations and opportunities for business-led adaptation, and learn about the enabling role of governments, international agreements and the financial sector in this policy brief.
Just transition for climate adaptation: A business brief
Learn about how businesses can adapt to minimize climate change risks and impacts in a just and equitable manner; and discover recommendations for ensuring just and resilient supply chains and business operations.
Climate resilient development pathways: applicability to navigating a just transition in South Africa
This article establishes the basis and sets the direction for future knowledge (co)production and planning work in relation to the adaptation and climate resilience aspects of navigating a ‘Just Transition’ in South Africa.
Malawi’s Youth Perspective on COP26 and its Outcomes
Read about the expectations youths from Malawi had towards COP26 and their reactions to outcomes from the event.