Developing skills for women leadership in climate action – UN CC:e-Learn course
Empower yourself to lead inclusive, equitable climate actions with this course designed to inspire and equip women and girls with the skills needed to tackle the climate crisis.
Toolkit for youth on adaptation and leadership
This Toolkit for Youth on Adaptation & Leadership equips young people with the knowledge and skills to engage in climate adaptation policy, advocacy and action.
RegionsAdapt is a pioneering initiative dedicated to empowering subnational governments worldwide to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Stories of Resilience: Lessons from Local Adaptation Practice
Discover stories of resilience, based on the sessions of the 2022 Gobeshona Conference on Locally Led Adaptation, and explore the difference between local action and locally led action, as well as effective ways of supporting local leadership in this report.
TALX: Climate Adaptation Partnership Network
Learn more about the Transboundary Adaptation Learning Exchange (TALX) project and The Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework which supports place-based adaptation across the Ireland and the UK. It provides practical actions to set up and further develop climate adaptation partnerships and includes inspiring case studies and links to a wide variety of tools and resources.
Leadership for Responsive Climate Actions in Agriculture, Forestry and Food systems: Insights from the ASEAN Climate Leadership Programme
Learn about the role of leadership in promoting transformational change towards a low-carbon, resilient, and food secure economy and society, both globally and regionally.
Toward Gender-Responsive Ecosystem-Based Adaptation – Why it’s needed and how to get there
The purpose of this report is two-fold: to illustrate the importance of integrating gender considerations in EbA actions, and to provide concrete examples of how this can be done in practice.
A Critical Reflection on Learning from Future Climate for Africa
This article takes stock of the lessons emerging from FCFA’s collective experience in undertaking transdisciplinary research that can be used to inform future investments on climate and development.
Accelerating Adaptation: State Action Plans on Climate Change as driver of mainstreaming climate change into development planning
The following brief presents 5 key pillars for successful climate change adaptation mainstreaming into development planning.
Transformative Riverine Management in Durban, South Africa
With support from the C40 Cities Finance Facility, the eThekwini Municipality is building a case for investment in transformative, city-wide urban river management.