livelihood improvement
The EcoAdapt Project
The EcoAdapt project assisted South American communities in developing their ecosystem-based adaptation strategies.
Brick Kilns in Nepal: Building Back Better After the 2015 Earthquake
After the earthquake of 2015 ninety-five percent of brick kilns, a major source of air pollution, in Kathmandu needed repair. This article describes how these kilns were 'built back better'.
Anukulan: Driving small farmer investment in climate-smart technologies
The Anukulan ("resilience" in Nepali) project will help half a million poor and vulnerable people in rural Nepal build their resilience to climate shocks and extremes like floods and drought.
‘Watershared’ – Adaptation, mitigation, watershed protection and economic development in Latin America
Reciprocal watershed agreements are simple, grassroots versions of incentive-based conservation that help upper watershed forest and land managers to sustainably manage their resources.
Improved water delivery in the delta region of Syrdarya River, Kazakhstan
Over the last 25 years the region of Syrdarya river has dried out, impoverishing local communities. Improvements to water infrastructure have helped transform the lifes of local people.
The role of community-based natural resource management in climate change adaptation in Ethiopia
Describes the methodology developed to assess what role selected community-based/participatory natural resource management initiatives have in climate change adaptation.
Quito Vulnerability Study
TeleferiQo, Quito Ecuador @mountainsoftravelphotos Project description This project will evaluate climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation issues in the Quito,...
Increasing Community Resilience to Drought in Sakai, Makueni District, Kenya
Photo: Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) Adaptation context Lying in south-central Kenya, Makueni District is characterised by sharp contrasts...