Participatory action research
Tracking Community Perspectives on Climate Resilience in Bangladesh
In 2022, Ground Truth Solutions partnered with IIED and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), to survey the opinions of more than 2,300 citizen in three areas of Bangladesh particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The aim was to understand how they perceive the quality and impact of adaptation programmes in their communities, and the extent to which they feel their views, opinions and experiences are considered in decision-making.
Shifting Power Through Climate Research: Applying Decolonial Methodologies
Colonial legacies and unequal divisions of power embedded within Global North-South relationships continue to affect and shape climate research. This article explores how these dynamics can be better considered and addressed during research processes.
ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)
This article summarises the ASFCC programme that has developed and integrated social forestry approaches into the climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies of ASEAN and the member states.
The EcoAdapt Project
The EcoAdapt project assisted South American communities in developing their ecosystem-based adaptation strategies.
Participatory gender-sensitive approaches for addressing key climate change-related research issues.
The researchers investigated if and how farming practices are being modified to deal with a changing environment, and the constraints and opportunities these changes pose for both men and women.
Social learning
Social learning develops the actors' ability to improvise; it requires investment in relationships and trust building, respect for difference and appreciation of other ways of seeing the world.
Participatory Processes
What are participatory processes? The main purpose, and the power, of any participatory approach, is reflection on the material generated to identify what has real meaning, and thus to ensure that the information that comes out of discussions results in real action.
Community participation and monitoring
An effective participatory development depends on good practice in three areas: respect of basic principles, design of a good process and good selection of tools or methods.