tracking adaptation
Tracking Community Perspectives on Climate Resilience in Bangladesh
In 2022, Ground Truth Solutions partnered with IIED and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), to survey the opinions of more than 2,300 citizen in three areas of Bangladesh particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The aim was to understand how they perceive the quality and impact of adaptation programmes in their communities, and the extent to which they feel their views, opinions and experiences are considered in decision-making.
Questioning the scientific feasibility and policy relevance of assessing transboundary climate risks
Learn about the scientific feasibility and policy relevance of assessing transboundary climate risks through this short blog post. Discover important areas for future research to advance the incorporation of cascading climate risks and impacts into adaptation responses.
Climate Ledger Initiative
Watch a video from Climate Ledger Initiative co-founder Nick Beglinger on this international, multi-stakeholder platform at the intersection of climate change and blockchain technology, or more generally distributed ledger technology (DLT).
Adaptation to climate change in the aftermath of the Paris Agreement: on the rise globally, but policy and scientific challenges ahead
This blog reflects on the developments in climate change adaptation since the signing of the Paris Agreement.
Kenya’s Monitoring and Evaluation of Adaptation: Simplified, integrated, multilevel
This Country Brief presents Kenya’s experience with the design of its adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system.
Towards a Global Adaptation Progress Tracker: first thoughts
This paper proposes to measure adaptation progress directly at the global level through the development of new indicators and using new technologies - the Global Adaptation Progress Tracker.
A framework for mobilizing private finance and tracking the delivery of adaptation benefits
This paper presents a conceptual framework that allows users to assess a country’s practices for mobilizing private sector finance for adaptation.
‘Leave no one behind’ index, ODI 2018
This index reviews the readiness of 86 countries to ‘leave no one behind’, covering all the countries that are presenting Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).
Tracking Urban Resilience: a summary of the ICLEI 2018 Resilient Cities Report
This report tracks local progress on the resilience targets of SDG 11 – Based on the outcomes of the 9th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation 26-28 April 2018 | Bonn, Germany
Measuring progress on adaptation and climate resilience: recommendations to the government of Canada
The Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience was asked to recommend a suite of indicators to measure progress on adaptation and climate resilience in Canada.