low carbon pathways
The Financial Impact of Climate Change
This course introduces participants to the financial risks and impacts of climate change. Explore a range of pathways that link to economic systems. Watch the videos for a taster!
SENSES Toolkit for Climate Change Adaptation
The SENSES Toolkit, developed in the EC SENSES project, offers a range of modules for finance, policy and regional decision makers to learn about and explore climate change scenarios.
The LEDS GP Resource guide for NDC finance
This guide presents a curated selection of high quality resources on a range of topics around finance for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and low emission development strategies (LEDS).
Working across scales – Learning from seven years of climate compatible development in Asia
A report by CDKN explores the value of stimulating climate compatible development at multiple levels of governance - drawing on seven years of work by in India, Indonesia, Nepal and Pakistan.
Plan CC – Tackling climate change in Peru
This short film documents and celebrates Plan CC - the Climate Change Planning Project - which aims to contribute to the Peruvian national process to move toward a carbon neutral economy.
Low Carbon Resilience: Transformative Climate Change Planning for Canada
This paper points to the co-benefits and synergies we can achieve if we take a 'low carbon resilience' approach and consider climate change adaptation and mitigation simultaneously.
INSIDE STORY: Treading low-carbon pathways toward sustainability – the experience of Bogor City
The Urban-LEDS project offers Bogor City opportunities to integrate low-carbon strategies in local development plans, supporting a vision of a more liveable city.
LEDS in Practice: Create jobs by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from urban transport
This paper shares two case studies from cities that have generated employment by implementing low carbon transport projects.
The Economics of Climate Change in Zanzibar – Final Summary Report
This study has assessed the current & future impacts of climate change on the islands, adaptation options to address these impacts, & opportunities for low carbon development.
Linkages between agro-energy investment, rural transformation and low carbon pathways: A sustainability assessment for the Makeni sugarcane project in Sierra Leone.
This project will conduct a sustainability assessment on the Makeni sugarcane project in Sierra Leone, from the perspective of rural transformation and low-carbon pathways.