Economic impacts of climate change
The Financial Impact of Climate Change
This course introduces participants to the financial risks and impacts of climate change. Explore a range of pathways that link to economic systems. Watch the videos for a taster!
Assessing credit risk and opportunity in a changing climate: Outputs of a working group of 16 banks piloting the TCFD Recommendations
This report describes and presents case studies of new methodologies to help the banking industry assess the physical risk and opportunities of climate change.
Economics of Climate Change in the Pacific
Sharing of lessons internally with partners
Sharing of learning externally to the climate services community of practice
TAG: sharing lessons for climate services
AdaptCost: Analysis of the Economic Costs of Climate Change Adaptation in Africa
Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change, yet economic assessments of the costs of adaptiation are few. The AdaptCost project attempted to address this gap.
The economic impacts of climate change in Burundi
Welcome ... This is the website for the Burundi National Advisory Committee for the DFID funded study on the Economic...
ClimateCost project and navigation page
ClimateCost (the Full Costs of Climate Change) is a major research project on the economics of climate change, funded from...
Step 4: Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change
Climate related stresses can cause major adverse impacts on several sectors, including food production and agriculture, human health, and water...