low emission development
Using LEAP to achieve Green House Gas (GHG) reduction targets
This case study uses the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) Tool to create a model of Vermont to explore scenarios that achieve the Green House Gas (GHG) reduction targets for 2025, 2030 and 2050 set out in the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act.
Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP)
LEAP, the Low Emissions Analysis Platform, is a widely-used software tool for energy policy analysis and climate change mitigation assessment developed at the Stockholm Environment Institute.
The LEDS GP Resource guide for NDC finance
This guide presents a curated selection of high quality resources on a range of topics around finance for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and low emission development strategies (LEDS).
Transport Toolkit: Developing strategies for clean, efficient transport
The LEDS GP Transport Toolkit aims to support development planners, technical experts, and decision-makers at national and local levels to plan and implement low emission transport systems.
Forging low emission development paths in Latin America & the Caribbean
This publication from the LEDS GP’s Subnational Integration Working Group and LEDS LAC investigates the multi-level dynamics, from local to national level, that underpin low emission action in LAC.
Key reports for the CC&E Network 2014-2016
These publications provide insights and learning on key topics in climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development, and highlight areas for future research and policy development.
Plan CC – Tackling climate change in Peru
This short film documents and celebrates Plan CC - the Climate Change Planning Project - which aims to contribute to the Peruvian national process to move toward a carbon neutral economy.
INSIDE STORY: Treading low-carbon pathways toward sustainability – the experience of Bogor City
The Urban-LEDS project offers Bogor City opportunities to integrate low-carbon strategies in local development plans, supporting a vision of a more liveable city.
INSIDE STORY: Supporting the subnational development of renewable energy – Lessons from West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
This Inside Story discusses the policy measures recommended for the development of renewable energy by independent power producers (IPPs) in Indonesia.
Using a sector development agency to mobilize a local green economy: The case of GreenCape in South Africa
Read how GreenCape, through its work across government, business and academia, has generated significant private sector investment and employment in green business, technologies and manufacturing.