Using SDG Synergies to improve coherence between policy agendas in Colombia
This SDG Synergies case study focused on 61 targets that were selected from across the three agendas, chosen according to their relevance for Colombia’s mining-energy sector.
Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform
Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Platform aims to create an enabling environment for adaptation, where decision-makers in regions and industry are equipped with the tools and information needed.
Canada’s Adaptation Platform: Projects and Results
This report summarises case studies across 11 sectors of industry and adaptation themes from Canada's Adaptation Platform.
Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation
This science assessment synthesizes over 1500 publications to provide an up-to-date picture of climate change impacts and adaptation across key Canadian sectors.
Climate Change and Mining: A Foreign Policy Perspective
The growing number of extreme weather events has led to increasing awareness in the extractives industries of the negative impacts of climate change. This report looks into the links between both.
Mountain EVO Case Study – Huamantanga district, Peru
Living with change in Huamantanga, Peru- one of the research project Mountain-EVOs case studies
Bolivia: Impacts by Sector
Introduction This page looks at the impacts of climate change on different sectors in Bolivia. It forms part of a...