Assessing finance for nature-based solutions to climate change
Explore this assessment of funding for nature-based solutions aimed at developing countries, using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and learn about the extent to which this funding is being used effectively.
Spotlight on social equity, finance and scale: Promises and pitfalls of nature-based solutions
Explore the equity, financial, and scalar dimensions of nature-based solutions (NbS) in this introductory brief; the first piece in a four-part series that critically analyses NbS and highlights key gaps in the existing literature.
Closing the Adaptation Gap in Mountains
This MountainAgenda article introduces a conceptual framework for adaptation gaps. It uses data from 2 major global-scale adaptation reviews to shed light on the nature and true magnitude of the adaptation gap in mountains. It reveals shortcomings in available adaptation options, deficits in the uptake of existing adaptation support, and a general lack of coherence between existing adaptations and keystone global agreements relevant to climate change adaptation.
Mapping the Evolution and Current Trends in Climate Change Adaptation Science
This study provides a review of climate change adaptation science literature that spans from the first publication in 1978 to mid-2020. It identifies the underpinning foundations, leading authors, countries and organisations, as well as dominant research themes and priorities, and explores how these have changed over time.
Adaptation action and research in glaciated mountain systems: Are they enough to meet the challenge of climate change?
This paper evaluates adaptation action and research in light of the challenge posed by climate change in glaciated mountain systems.
An Annotated Bibliography on Ecosystem Approaches in Africa (2015 – 2018)
This work summarizes 700 articles, papers, books and reports on topics ranging from general ecosystem theory, implementation and its application from 2015 to 2018.