risk communication
Kenya’s perfect storm of Covid-19, floods and locusts swarms: What does it mean for food security?
In 2020, the East African region faced the multiple threats of locust swarms, flooding and COVID-19 which affected the livelihoods and food security of millions of people. This video discusses what could have been done to reduce the impacts of these threats.
All in the same boat – Documentary as method in flood risk communication
This documentary, `All in the same boat´, follows a people-centred approach in communicating flood risk to at-risk communities, as suggested by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
User-friendly climate science: communicating data for decision-making
This report looks at communicating data for decision-making in China.
Climate change and its impact on population health in Southern China: Implications for adaptation policy
This research on climate change and health conducted in Guangdong province indicates that extreme climate events increase the risk of mortality and infectious diseases.