Leaving no one in mountains behind – Localizing the SDGs for resilience of mountain people and ecosystems
This issue brief presents initial steps towards localization of the 2030 Agenda to mountain areas.
Large Scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Gambia
UN Environment and the government of Gambia have launched the country’s largest adaptation project, which aims to develop a sustainable natural resource-based economy.
Building Climate Resilience in Comoros
This project is helping the government to build climate resilience in 15 locations across three Comorian islands.
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience of Rural Communities in Cambodia
This project is building climate adaptation near five community protected forests across Cambodia.
Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook and Platform
This Sourcebook provides a wide range of knowledge and expertise to support actors to make the agricultural sectors (crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry) more sustainable and productive.