social protection
The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: Impacts, Adaptation Options and Investment Areas for a Climate-Resilient Central Africa
Discover what the IPCC AR6 says about how Central Africa will be impacted by climate change and its options and potential for adaptation.
Fact Sheet: The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: Impacts, Adaptation Options and Investment Areas for a Climate-Resilient West Africa
Learn about what the IPCC AR6 says about how West Africa will be impacted by climate change and its options and potential for adaptation.
The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report: Impacts, Adaptation Options and Investment Areas for a Climate-Resilient Southern Africa
This factsheet summarises what the IPCC AR6 says about how Southern Africa will be impacted by climate change and its options and potential for adaptation.
The Case for Cash in Responding to Humanitarian Crises in Malawi
Learn about the case of the Social Cash Transfer Scheme in Malawi, which shows how cash transfers can be an effective modality for providing food assistance to crisis-affected populations.
Issues Paper: Challenges and Opportunities for a Just Transition
This paper outlines key challenges and opportunities for a just transition in energy and food and cross-cutting topics including gender, youth, social inclusion, and a just COVID-19 recovery.
Slow-onset climate hazards in Southeast Asia: Enhancing the role of social protection to build resilience
This report examines those issues and identifies principles to guide future research on social protection to build resilience to slow-onset events, focusing on coastal communities.
Serious Climate Games: An Introduction
Climate games provide a way to facilitate learning in an interesting, engaging and memorable way. This article provides a brief outline of different climate games and resources available.
‘Leave no one behind’ index, ODI 2018
This index reviews the readiness of 86 countries to ‘leave no one behind’, covering all the countries that are presenting Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).
Making Climate Risk Insurance Work for the Most Vulnerable: Seven Guiding Principles
This project focuses on how climate risk insurance can be used as a tool to effectively support poor and vulnerable populations in the aftermath of a climate-related shock.
Increasing people’s resilience through social protection
This paper highlights how social protection programmes and systems can contribute to building the capacity of vulnerable people who are exposed to climate shocks and disasters.