Soil science
Balruddery farm: Improving climate resilience
Balruddery Farmhas implemented several measures aimed at reducing the impact of future climate change. These measures fall under two main categories: ensuring soil is protected from compaction and erosion and managing water use for irrigation.
Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (EPWS) in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
In the subcatchment of the Mfizigo River, a joint CARE-WWF Programme (2006-2011) promoted a PES scheme between the downstream buyers and the upstream sellers from Lukenge, Kibungo, Lanzi, Dimilo and Nyingwa villages.
NCAP Ghana: Land Management
The lack of adequate land management practices has contributed towards a number of critical problems including a decline in soil...
Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation in Bangladesh: Deltaic, flood-prone cropping systems (rice)
Summary of country findings: Bangladesh This study is one of 5 country studies (Bangladesh, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania) exploring...
Rice-based Salinity-prone Production in Bangladesh
As global sea levels rise, salt water intrusion leads to rising salinity levels, threatening agricultural production. It is a race...