sustainable economies
The Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre
Learn about the Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre (Aachen, Bangkok, Chennai, Dresden - ABCD Centre) which aims to address the pressing issue of humanity’s adaptation to the consequences of climate change, with a special focus on water, and facilitate a global dialogue between leading scientific institutions.
Large Scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Gambia
UN Environment and the government of Gambia have launched the country’s largest adaptation project, which aims to develop a sustainable natural resource-based economy.
Using a sector development agency to mobilize a local green economy: The case of GreenCape in South Africa
Read how GreenCape, through its work across government, business and academia, has generated significant private sector investment and employment in green business, technologies and manufacturing.
Green Growth in Practice Lessons from Country Experiences
This report is the first comprehensive international assessment of lessons from experiences of pursuing green growth across all levels of government and all regions.