Transformative learning
Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of agriculture and food security in Ghana
In this brief we describe the approach undertaken during ASSAR's Transformative Scenario Planning workshops in Wa, Ghana, and provide an overview of the results and future steps.
Transformative Development and Disaster Risk Management
This overview builds on previous work in Integrated Research on Disaster Risk to provide the science-based evidence for the development of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction
Transformative Learning and Engagement with Climate Change Adaptation: Experiences with Sweden’s Forestry Sector
Instead of re-inventing the wheel and setting up yet another climate change adaptation web site, we found that the intuitive and simple map interface of weADAPT was a perfect match to what we had imagined… While we can present our sector specific case studies separately and control the appearance, we benefit from a great existing infrastructure, an interconnected user community, high visibility and a great team behind the platform to rely on. We couldn’t have done better than collaborating with weADAPT.
- Marco Braun, climate scientist at Ouranos
Stakeholder engagement, dialogue and modes of learning
The process of stakeholder engagement and creating dialogue aims to generate a concrete understanding that empowers, builds capacity and facilitates different modes of learning.
Adaptive Management and Learning Processes
Adaptive management requires that there is learning through experience in a more conscious way, specifically by incorporating explicit learning into management plans and action.
Social learning
Social learning develops the actors' ability to improvise; it requires investment in relationships and trust building, respect for difference and appreciation of other ways of seeing the world.