western Indian Ocean
Using climate information to support adaptation planning and policy-making: A practical case study in Bagamoyo District, coastal Tanzania.
This case study in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania, highlights how climate information can be used to support adaptation planning and policy-making in the rural agricultral sector.
The role of community-based coastal conservation and development initiatives in building social-ecological resilience to climate change: experiences from southern Madagascar
Abstract Climate change impacts fall disproportionately on the world’s poorest, most marginalised communities, particularly those highly dependent on direct use...
Livelihoods and Population, Health and Environment (PHE) in the Velondriake Locally Managed Marine Area – Madagascar
Traditional Vezo pirogue boat. Photo by Gareth Cripps. Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development (BALANCED) Along...
Livelihoods and Population, Health and Environment (PHE) in the Velondriake Locally Managed Marine Area – Madagascar
Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development (BALANCED) Newsletter (Volume 1 | Issue 3 | June 2011)...
Press Release – Regional strategy for adaptation to climate change for the western Indian Ocean islands
July 9, 2012 IOC’s high-level workshop leads to the validation of a regional strategy for adaptation to climate change for...