Virtual KE activity #5: The role of CAPs in supporting monitoring, reporting, and evaluation (MRE) of progress in adaptation

This event focused on the role of platforms in contributing to the national and international MRE of adaptation actions. While this topic is important, it has not been a specific objective for many platforms to date. As such, it includes the perceive legitimacy of such a role for platforms, including whether it is a role that has been anticipated and to which CAPs are able to contribute. It also includes the current understanding of what the implications are in terms of data, information, functionality and resources (human and financial), as well as the technological systems and capabilities needed to carry out such as role. In addition, it also includes consideration of the enabling governance structures, external cooperation and other institutional arrangements required for platforms to deliver this role.
Based on experiences and lessons learnt, discussions covered:
- To what extent is there a role for CAPs in supporting and/or informing the process of MRE of progress on adaptation?
- Should MRE of adaptation action be undertaken within a linked or a separate platform and why?
- What are the on-going challenges and opportunities associated with having MRE of progress on adaptation integrated within an existing CAP or addressed by linking with a separate platform?
Participants The event involved 40 participants who are working on, developing and delivering CAPs in 18 countries and regions (Australia, Austria, Canada, Europe, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK).
The VKE5 Summary Report is available to download to the right. Presentations are below.
The Role of CAPs in Supporting Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation of Progress in Adaptation
This presentation by Roger Street explores the need for, and potential role of CAPs in supporting the monitoring, reporting and evaluation of progress in climate change adaptation. Through this presentation, Roger introduces this topic, shares ideas and discussion points, and sets the scene for discussions during KE4CAP’s fifth virtual knowledge exchange.
The Global Stocktake: Overview and Opportunities
This presentation by Robin Hocquet (SEI) provides an overview of the Global Stocktake described in Article 14 of the Paris Agreement, and opportunities for climate adaptation platforms to engage with and contribute to this global stocktake. The Global Stocktake mechanism provides for a periodic global stocktake “of the implementation of this Agreement to assess the collective progress towards achieving the purpose of this Agreement and its long-term goals.”
The Benchmarking Tool – Supporting and Assessing Progress against the Adaptation Capability Framework
This presentation by Ellie Murtagh, Adaptation Scotland, describes a benchmarking tool developed by Adaptation Scotland and partners to support and assessing progress against an Adaptation Capability Framework. The presentation includes: an overview of the Adaptation Capability Framework; an introduction to the Benchmarking Tool; a description of the Benchmarking Working Group; and a discussion of lessons learnt, challenges and opportunities. You can access Ellie’s slides here.
The Dutch platform and its (aspired) role with regard to monitoring and evaluation
This presentation by Kim van Nieuwaal (CAS), explores developments the Dutch climate adaptation platform team have witnessed through the eyes of the platform since 2015, how the dynamics on and around the platform provide a certain source for MRE in itself, how current trends are set to evolve into the future, and next steps for the platform.
Creating KLIRA – a system for monitoring Adaptation
This presentation by Åsa Sjöström (Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Adaptation) describes the motivation for and development of the KLIRA a web-based tool for adaptation reporting in Sweden.
Supporting MRE on adaptation: Climate-ADAPT
This presentation by Kati Mattern (EEA) with support of José Ramón Picatoste Ruggeroni (now Oficina Española de Cambio Climático), Valentina Giannini, Katie Johnson (ETC/CCA) and Wouter Vanneuville (EEA) explores how the European climate adaptation platform, Climate-ADAPT, is supporting monitoring, reporting and evaluation of adaptation progress.
Monitoring,reporting, and evaluating adaptation in Japan
These slides, by Yoshifumi Masago (Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies), illustrate recent discussion and activities related to monitoring, reporting, and evaluation of adaptation in Japan.
- Details of, and links to platforms engaging in KE4CAP activities. Profiles of the platforms that contributed to the KE4CAP survey are being published on the KE4CAP workspace homepage:
- KE4CAP Survey: Synthesis of Responses