Monitoring & evaluation to enhance adaptation and reduce disaster risk

Climate change is exacerbating disaster risk, increasing vulnerability and eroding resilience. An increasing emphasis on adapting systems and better managing disaster risks places greater attention on proactive, rather than reactive, approaches.
This requires an understanding of the factors that contribute to adaptation processes in practice; we need to understand what works (or not), in which contexts and why. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) can play a critical role in improving this understanding by providing the evidence and experience that can improve future practice. M&E can help to avoid costly maladaptation and learn more quickly how the most catastrophic impacts of climate change can be avoided.
This webinar consists of three short presentations from DG ECHO (Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations), the BRACED (Building resilience and adaptation to climate extremes and disasters) programme and the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, followed by a discussion.
It examined some of the lessons learned from M&E emerging from CCA and DRR evaluation processes, and considered how we can ensure that learning can inform practice in both fields.
Read the initial discussion on the PLACARD website:
Host and presenters
- Patrick Pringle, UK Climate Impacts Programme
- Dr Eleni Karali, CMCC
- Laura Schmidt, DG-ECHO
- Paula Silva Villanueva, Resilience Monitor
- Dr Eleni Karali:
- Laura Schmidt:
- Paula Silva Villanueva:
- Read more about the PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction (PLACARD) project and its outputs
- Visit the PLACARD project page for more resources, including the project blog and events
- Do you want to be on the CCA-DRR map? Click here to add your organisation to the CCA-DRR landscape
- Share your experiences of city-level adaptation & DRR in our short survey
- Learn about foresight can help to reduce vulnerability to climate-related hazards - policy brief
- Explore the potential of ecosystem-based approaches