program evaluations
Building Climate Resilience in Africa Through Research and Development
This article provides an evaluation of the Future Climate for Africa programme (2015-2021), which has brought together more than 200 researchers from over 20 countries to improve understanding of climate variability and change across Africa.
Closing the Gap between Climate Information Producers and Users: Assessment of Needs and Uptake in Senegal
This study analyzed experiences and lessons learned in Senegal, where various climate information services products attempted to effectively involve producers, technicians and policy‐makers.
Monitoring & evaluation to enhance adaptation and reduce disaster risk
This PLACARD webinar examined some of the lessons learned from M&E emerging from CCA and DRR evaluation processes, and how we can ensure that learning can inform both practices.
Routes to resilience: Lessons from monitoring BRACED
This paper shares insights, reflections and lessons learned from designing, implementing and reporting against the BRACED Monitoring and Evaluation framework.
Elements of a frame of reference for evaluating adaptation to climate change: The RAC-Québec case
This document proposes a frame of reference for the evaluation of adaptation, and its application in 2 sectors: forestry and the built environment and infrastructure.
Assessing Adaptation Through a Gender Lens
This poster is one of the posters featured at the 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA9) which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from April 24-30 2015.
Documenting Change: An Introduction to Process Documentation
Introduction “Planned intervention is an on‐going, socially constructed and negotiated process, not simply the execution of an already specified plan...