Towards a step change in co-production for climate resilience
The chapter records experiences of UKCR researchers whose projects incorporated co-production approaches to improve the usability, accessibility, relevance and credibility of outputs, and engage different groups of people in climate resilience.
Event Summary | Water and climate change: Adaptation at the margins
On 11 April 2024, leading researchers and practitioners at the forefront of climate adaptation reflected on the social and political barriers to producing, sharing and using climate information.
Reflections on the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: adaptation, loss and damage
Join three SEI researchers, whohaveassumedvariousroles in past IPCC reports,as theyreflect on the IPCCAR6SynthesisReport’scriticalmessages onadaptation and loss and damage.
Climate risk integration: A new era for aid and development programming
Learn about why system transformation of the development sector is needed to ensure development progress continues against the backdrop of increasing climate change impacts in this short blog.
Co-production of Climate Services – A Diversity of Approaches and Good Practices from the ERA4CS Projects (2017-2021)
Learn about the joint effort of projects funded under the European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS) in this guide. It discusses good practice examples based on the review of the ERA4CS projects, identifying enablers and barriers for key elements in climate service co-production processes.
Building Climate Resilience in Africa Through Research and Development
This article provides an evaluation of the Future Climate for Africa programme (2015-2021), which has brought together more than 200 researchers from over 20 countries to improve understanding of climate variability and change across Africa.
Climate risk narratives: An iterative reflective process for co-producing and integrating climate knowledge
This article introduces the concept of Climate Risk Narratives (CRNs), their origin, and their evolution through a trans-disciplinary engaged research activity around urban climate resilience.
Co-designing climate services to support adaptation to natural hazards: a case study from Stockholm, Sweden
This case study describes how the co-design of climate services helped support adaptation to heat waves in Stockholm, Sweden
Co-designing climate services to support adaptation to natural hazards: a case study from Karlstad, Sweden
This case study describes how the co-design of climate services helped support adaptation to multiple water hazards in the municipality of Karlstad, Sweden.
Co-designing climate services to support adaptation to natural hazards: two case studies from Sweden
Drawing on two Swedish case studies, this brief aims to understand how the co-design of climate services can support adaptation planning and decision-making.