CCORAL: Ground-breaking climate adaptation tool launched in the Caribbean

CCORAL is unique in that is has been designed for users of all skill levels, with different resources provided depending on user needs and experience (e.g. non-climate expert/climate expert). It is resolutely pragmatic in its approach, promoting the right tools and techniques to fit the context of Caribbean decision making, available time and resources and uncertainty about climate variability and change. Importantly, by using CCORAL, decision-makers will also be able to demonstrate to funders, investors and development partners that climate resilience has been considered and integrated into relevant activities.
It is intended that using CCORAL will promote discussion of climate risk management amongst decision-makers and will lead to greater collaboration between experts and non-experts leading to decisions that are robust in the face of climate change. The CCCCC and its partners are now preparing extensive training and rollout of CCORAL across the region. CCORAL comes as part of a continued effort by CARICOM Heads of Government to strengthen climate adaptation. Last year they approved the 2011-2021 Implementation Plan (IP) to operationalise the Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change. The IP was designed by the CCCCC and Acclimatise with the help of funding from CDKN and DFID Caribbean. One priority challenge identified in the IP was the need to develop a risk management ethic in decision making in the Caribbean, ensuring the use of risk management processes and tools, management of uncertainties and integration of climate change into national development planning and decision making. CCORAL has been developed in response to this need.

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