How corn links Jamaica’s food supply to climate change in the US Midwest
This case study explores how Jamaica’s deep dependency on US maize affects both its economy and food security in a changing climate.
Vulnerability Assessment of Jamaica’s Transport Sector
The assessment sheds light on priority regions and specific vulnerabilities in Jamaica's transport sector, and offers guidance on how to climate-proof future and current investments.
From the ground up: How communities can collaborate to drive local adaptation and influence the national agenda
This analysis from CDKN identifies a series of approaches to help community-level organisations to increase climate resilience in the Caribbean.
sNAPshot: Jamaica’s Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This policy brief looks at how Jamaica initiated sector integration of adaptation considerations in the NAP process.
Climate impacts on agriculture and tourism: The case for climate resilient investment in the Caribbean
An analysis of 10 years of climate change research in the Caribbean found that sectors that are vital to regional economic development are vulnerable to climate change and its impacts.
INSIDE STORY: Climate change and flood risk – Challenges for Jamaican towns and communities
This case study describes the potential medium- and long-term impacts of climate variability and change on flood risk for selected study areas in Jamaica.
sNAPshot: Initiating sector integration of adaptation considerations
This overview brief from the NAP Global Network introduces the topic of sector integration and different ways to initiate it in the national adaptation plan (NAP) process.
The Impact of Climate Change on the Achievement of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals
This work explores the implications of a potential international climate agreement on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate cHange (Ja REEACH) – Community Action Network Combat Flooding
A community member presents the direct and indirect impacts of flooding in the community of Troy as part of the...
5 Things You Should Know About Climate Change in the Caribbean
This video explains what climate change means to the communities in the Caribbean Islands, and what adaptation and resilience-building actions are being done.