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Both ENDS is an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) that works towards a sustainable future for our planet. We do so by identifying and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), mostly in developing countries, that come up with sustainable solutions for environmental and poverty-related issues. Building on such effective alternatives, we create and support strategic networks capable of promoting social-environmental interests. At the same time we directly influence policies and promote our vision in fora that matter, both on national and international levels.


People all over the world are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that we are approaching the limits of our earth’s ecosystem. They realise that this development is a major cause of poverty and threatens to leave millions of people powerless in the face of various global crises, not least climate change. Despite this awareness and despite the actions already taken to reduce the harm that our current economic production and consumption systems cause, a sustainable world remains, alas, a distant reality.

Many people in many countries have united in an effort to turn the tide and improve their lives. Civil society organisations such as farmers’ associations, women’s organisations and trade unions are engaged in developing sustainable solutions to cope with the effects of climate change, land and ecosystem degradation. Because Both ENDS believes that many small steps in the right direction will eventually lead to a truly fair and green world, we support these local, sustainable initiatives in various ways and from a variety of angles.

Our activities and efforts focus on sustainable water management, land use and capital flows because these form the pillars for global sustainable production and fair and green economies. The income that rural communities earn often comes from the land they work on, the forests they live in and the water they use for fishing and irrigation. Their access to, and control over, their land and water resources determine their quality of life. Access to these resources is currently seriously threatened by various international capital flows.

Examples include investments in large infrastructure projects, large-scale agriculture or mining projects, as well as the enactment of particular financial policies and trade agreements. We help local communities to pursue their own ideas, priorities and proposals in negotiations with local authorities. Meanwhile, on the international level, we continue to challenge the rules and regulations that threaten to impede their implementation.

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