development policy
Strengthening Climate Resilience in Mountainous Areas
Learn about strengthening the resilience of human and natural systems in mountainous areas against the impacts of climate change in this 2021 report from the OECD.
Climate-ADAPT: The European Climate Adaptation Platform
Climate-ADAPT aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change helping users to access and share data and information on climate change projections, vulnerability and adaptation.
Migration for Adaptation: A Guidebook for Integrating Migration and Translocality into Community-Based Adaptation
This guide makes the case for integrating aspects of migration in community development.
Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development | Country Perspectives on Alignment of the NAP Process and NDCs
This brief explores country perspectives on alignment of national-level policy processes under the Paris Agreement as a basis for broader alignment toward climate-resilient development.
Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development | Getting Started on Alignment
The brief explores how the different agendas and policy processes relate to each other and to a country’s national development planning processes.
Supporting private adaptation to climate change in semi-arid lands in developing countries
This PRISE policy brief argues that to unlock the potential of businesses to drive climate-resilient development, support for private adaptation in semi arid lands needs to be rapidly upscaled.
Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development
This publication highlights 15 cases of good practice in development and applied research from mountain regions, and illustrates how the Sendai Framework’s four priorities can be put into practice.
Agent-based modelling: A tool for addressing the complexity of environment and development policy issues
This working paper introduces agent-based modelling as a potential tool for examining complex modern policy problems, and offers examples from recent applications.
Webinar: How to make poor people less vulnerable to (climate change related) natural disasters
In this webinar Stephane Hallegatte explores the link between extreme weather and extreme poverty that underscores the urgency for policies that better protect the world’s most vulnerable.
From risk to resilience: making global policies count for the most vulnerable
This report identifies five key principles for resilience building to ensure 2015 policy commitments are effectively implemented in vulnerable contexts.