Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) is the largest energy research institute in the Netherlands. ECN develops new technology and conducts pioneering research in various ways into innovative solutions to facilitate the transition to sustainable energy management. With around 500 members of staff, we are active in projects both at domestically and abroad, in joint efforts with the industry, government authorities and research institutes. We do this from our locations in Petten, Amsterdam and Eindhoven. ECN’s research has a major influence on day-to-day life. In this, we perform an important role for the society of today and the future.
ECN has identified seven core activities for the near term. In these fields, we see opportunities that we aim to materialise together with trade and industry, government authorities and knowledge institutes.
- Solar power: together with manufacturers of solar panels, production equipment and materials, we ensure that the latest scientific insights are applied in useful concepts for solar cells, modules and processes. The challenge is to make solar power cheaper and, by doing so, make it more broadly deployable.
- Wind energy: here we focus on substantially reducing the costs for offshore wind energy, through improved design of farms, turbines and turbine parts, through programmes for more efficient maintenance and by integrated application of wind farm system expertise.
- Biomass: we contribute to the biobased economy, with a focus on thermochemical conversion of biomass. Areas of research include pretreatment, gasification, purification and biorefining.
- Energy efficiency: for this we collaborate in making industrial processes more efficient using heat pumps, separation technology and revolutionary chemical reactors.
- Environmental Assessment: ECN’s environmental programme is aimed at developing knowledge, technology and practical solutions for a healthy and sustainable environment and use of raw materials.
- Engineering & Materials: here we design and create experimental installations, prototypes and high tech components. We support innovative businesses and institutions with cutting-edge technology.
- Policy studies: where engineers, economists, social scientists and environmental experts work together with the technical departments to develop strategic advice.