The NGO “Terroir development and forest production”, ATPF, is a Nigerien non-governmental organization created by ARRETE N° 174/MI/D/DGAPJ/DLP of 7 MAY 2004 which mainly aims to fight against poverty and the degradation of Environment for Sustainable Development.
The NGO ATPF is an organization of national scope, with a headquarters in Niamey and branches in the seven (7) regions out of the eight (8) that make up Niger. The NGO’s intervention strategy is mainly based on the participatory approach which puts the beneficiary populations at the center as partners and actors in their own right in the identification, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the project. all the actions of their development.
The main objective of ATPF is to fight against poverty and desertification for sustainable development. Specifically the NGO aims to: 1. Support the improvement of the living conditions of the communities by the rational development of the potential of the intervention area; 2. Fight against all forms of degradation of ecosystems and biodiversity; 3. Promoting actions to fight against the adverse effects of climate change (mitigation and adaptation) 4. Ensure food security through the establishment of cereal banks and the Techniques CES/DRS