Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate cHange (Ja REEACH) – Community Action Network Combat Flooding

A community member presents the direct and indirect impacts of flooding in the community of Troy as part of the Ja REEACH CEDAR (Communities Engaged to Drive Adaptation Responses) workshop process. This information is entered into Cristal to generate the risk analysis reports used to define adaptation solutions.
About the project
Community Action Network Combats Flooding – Residents in flood prone areas of Mitchell town are breathing a sigh of relief this hurricane season. Together with the Clarendon Parish Council and the Ja REEACH project, the Mitchell Town Citizen’s Association successfully completed one of its disaster risk reduction projects: extending a critical drain capable of removing storm water during periods of heavy rainfall. The rehabilitation of 100 metres of the community’s drainage network addressed ongoing flooding problem that severely limited residents’ movement in and around the community. Members of the community oversaw the work and contributed labour and their expertise throughout the project.
Methods used
The project utilizes a series of participatory workshops, designed to identify and agree on solution to their priority climate change risks. Their sincereness building decisions are reflected in their climate adaptation plan. The process of risk analysis incorporate the CRiSTAL project planning tool.In Mitchell town, the participatory community-driven process had community members exploring how climate change affects their lives and livelihoods. Through this process, the communities develop locally relevant risk reduction action plans; and partner with their stakeholders to effect greater positive change. As communities are empowered to act they manifest a shared understanding of current and future climate and disaster risks, and how proactive planning and action can negate potential negative impacts.
Lessons learnt
The engagement of community members with key local governance institutions (in this case the Parish Council or local planning authority) leveraged critical technical expertise that guided the community in executing this project.The capacity of community-based organizations must be built as part of the resilience building strategy.