Preparing for Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP) in India

In October 2016, as part of the ASSAR project, stakeholders from Bangalore’s government, civil society, and private and academic sectors met at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) Bangalore City Campus to think about Bangalore’s water future.
Here, participants learned about Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP), a unique process developed by Reos Partners, which helps stakeholders from diverse perspectives to discuss a complex issue by collectively developing a range of relevant and plausible future scenarios and their possible outcomes.
Following this training workshop, which showed participants the potential arising from thinking about the future together, IIHS will convene a full TSP process with stakeholders in Bangalore, between July and October 2017, which could help pave the way to greater water security in Bangalore.
Read more about ASSAR’s work in India.
Graphic Recording by Rajasee Ray, Ladyfingers Co.