The Way Forward to prepare a Framework of National Adaptation Action in Syria

The primary goal of the NAAP process is to identify priority measures to adapt to climate change and climate variability, and develop them into project based activities that can address urgent needs for adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change in Syria.
The objectives of the National Adaptation Action Plan;
1) Identify challenges hindering adaptation to climate change;
2) Identify national constraints limiting the proper implementation of the activities related to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
3) Provide a practical framework to enhance the national capacity for synergistic implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
4) Streamline the commitments and obligations entailed in the global environmental management system into national policies.
Key elements of the process included the following:
– Adequate stakeholder representation in all phases of the process, including the NAAP development;
– Synergy and consistency of adaptation measures with national and sectoral policies and plans;
– Capacity building and enhanced awareness for adapting to climate change impacts; and
– Country-driven criteria by which to evaluate and prioritise potential adaptation measures.
Strategy and Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in Syria. 2010. INC-SY_Strategy & NAAP-Ar. Available online at [] [Accessed September 2012]