The Case for Cash in Responding to Humanitarian Crises in Malawi
Learn about the case of the Social Cash Transfer Scheme in Malawi, which shows how cash transfers can be an effective modality for providing food assistance to crisis-affected populations.
Enhancing resilience within global value chains: the implications of COVID-19 for climate change adaptation and mitigation policies
This blog discusses the implications of the COVID-19 crisis in relation to trade within global value chains (GVCs) given the looming climate change crisis.
Local costs of conservation exceed those borne by the global majority
Conservation interventions for the global good versus the costs to local livelihoods and welfare. An example from the Eastern Arc mountains in Tanzania.
Canada’s Adaptation Platform: Projects and Results
This report summarises case studies across 11 sectors of industry and adaptation themes from Canada's Adaptation Platform.
Comparative Assessment of Decentralization in Africa: Final Report and Summary of Findings
This study is a comparative report drawing upon desk studies of 10 African countries above, plus follow-up field studies in Botswana, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Tanzania
The impacts of climate change on poverty in 2030 and the potential from rapid, inclusive, and climate-informed development
The impacts of climate change on poverty depend on the scale of climate change, but also on demographic and socioeconomic trends.
Capacity-building on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for District and National Environmental Officers of Bhutan
Read about when SEI conducted a customised 5-day interactive workshop on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Bangkok for staff of Bhutan’s National Environmental Commission.
The Economics of Climate Change in Zanzibar – Final Summary Report
This study has assessed the current & future impacts of climate change on the islands, adaptation options to address these impacts, & opportunities for low carbon development.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Regions of India: ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Study
ASSAR is a research project that seeks to understand the factors that have prevented climate change adaptation from being more widespread and successful. This article features ASSAR's work in India.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Regions of West Africa: ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Study
Home to hundreds of millions of people, the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia are particularly vulnerable to climate-related impacts and risks.