adaptation processes and tools
Watershed Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments in the Greater Mekong Subregion
These guidelines incorporate the direct experience of projects in the Mekong Region that have used watersheds as an organizing element for climate-change vulnerability and adaptation assessments.
Pilot Programme for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Grenada
This project supports the island state of Grenada by enhancing the resilience of parts of the population and ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Practical Answers: Knowledge sharing for development
Practical Answers (available online and as an app) provides information on a wealth of technical expertise in areas such as Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction, Water and Sanitation and many more.
Community Resilience Assessment and Action Handbook
A handbook developed to assess the the underlying drivers of vulnerability in communities and what kinds of climate extremes and disasters (e.g. rapid or slow onset) communities are exposed to.
Social Network Analysis
This article, which is part of a series of MEDIATION outputs, provides a review of Social Network Analysis and associated tools for supporting adaptation decision-making.
Understanding Adaptation Planning: Selected Case Studies in Nepal, Philippines and Vietnam
This publication is a result of the objectives of the Adaptation Knowledge Platform to support countries in the Asian region to strengthen their capabilities to introduce effective adaptation measures. This includes undertaking activities at the national, sub-national and local levels to create enabling policy, regulatory, planning and budgeting environments in Nepal, Philippines and Nepal.
Mediation training module: PACT
The PACT module, developed for the EC Mediation, gives organisations a detailed analysis of their capacity to take climate resilient decisions plus guidance on their next steps.
Integration of Climate Adaptation into Development and Conservation Planning in Bhutan: Issues and Recommendations
Bhutan is one of 13 countries covered by the Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia. In June 2010, a climate adaptation scoping study was undertaken, with input from stakeholders in government, non-government organizations (NGOs), and academia. This report describes the results and integration into development and conservation.
Adaptation Decision Making METHODS
This article aims to provide guidance on the best methods for decision screening, exploring many different decision making methods.