Climate Change Risk Assessment
Factsheet for young people: Urban development and city resilience
Learn more about city resilience and urban development in Africa with this factsheet for young people from the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
Introducing the UK Climate Resilience Programme – book chapter
Introducing the UK Climate Resilience Programme is a book chapter book on the UK programme entitled Quantifying climate risk and building resilience in the UK (2024).
Holistic Approach towards Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments: The Integration of Climate Risk Management into Different Investment Decision-Making Contexts Requiring Tailored Types of Risk Assessment
The integration of climate risk management into different investment decision-making contexts requirng tailored types of risk assessment.
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely
This case study explores how EirGrid, Ireland’s public electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) and ESB Networks (ESBN), Ireland’s Transmission Asset Owner (TAO), completed risk assessment to manage risks posed by climate change.
Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower Project Licensing
In this case study, Manitoba Hydro developed and strengthened a climate-related capacity in-house, assembling a team with the appropriate knowledge and aptitude, and produced a detailed climate change impact assessment for the Nelson River.
The Economics of Climate Resilience
The Economics of Climate Resilience (ECR) has been commissioned by Defra and the Devolved Administrations (DAs) to inform the UK’s...